Month: November 2012

  • Request For Comment On Proposed Revenue Stream

    Hey everybody,
    We're trying something new to make more money to support Xanga.
    Say you link to an Amazon product in a blog post. Here's the new part: we're going to be adding Xanga's affiliate codes to *some* of those product links.
    Which links? Well, if you've already added your own affiliate code to that product link, we won't be adding our affiliate code.
    Also, if your account has Xanga Premium, we won't add our affiliate code to your links ever.

    Only in cases where you haven't linked using an affiliate code *and* you're a Classic member will we sometimes add an affiliate code.
    I think this is an nice way for Xanga to make a little more money, without having a negative impact on the user experience. I don't expect Xanga to make a huge amount of money from this, but an increasing number of Xanga readers are using ad blockers. Hopefully, this will help replace that revenue stream for us. We're looking to try this out as a test sometime this week.
    I'm hoping this will help the site support itself over the coming year, and serve as a counterpoint to the ad blocking that we're seeing.  We work really hard to keep ads here as unobtrusive as possible, and I am hopeful that this fits the bill.
    Could you guys let us know what you think before we move forward here?  Thanks...