August 29, 2013
We're starting the migration to Xanga 2.0 at midnight tonight!
Ok our last minute checks have been going well, so we're going to start the migration to Xanga 2.0 in a few hours!
We will be taking the site down at midnight tonight (EST)... we'll be physically moving our servers tomorrow, over the course of the day. We will be working on the migration over the weekend... and will be posting updates on the migration to Twitter here:
We hope to have the new Xanga 2.0 site up for you guys as soon as possible! Please stay tuned to our Twitter feed for updates...
Comments (14)
I'm not on twitter. This whole thing has been very confusing. I was a premium member in the past but I have no idea if my site will be available on the new site if I switch over. None of this has been clear at all. I've been on here for 8 years and I love this site and I have no idea what's going on.
Good luck and godspeed!
@thisiswhereItellyoueverything - If you check the previous entry on the Xanga Team's page, they answer your question. Pretty much everyone who has been at all active on Xanga during the last five years has been transferred to the new site.
Regardless of whether you have bought a subscription, you will be able to read and comment on blogs. If you want to post new content on your blog, that is when you will need a subscription.
I know there has sometimes been a lack of communication and the information is confusing, but you should rest assured that you will be on Xanga 2.0 along with the rest of us! =D
@christao408 - But will all of my old blog entries be there? That's my main concern.
@thisiswhereItellyoueverything - thats my concern too... Can someone answer please?
I have just paid 4000 xanga credits to upgrade as 1 month premium, so does that mean all my entries will be transferred to the new xanga?? Someone answer me pleaseee :'(
'bout time. Best wishes on the upgrade.
People can also check out the page on Facebook for updates:
It's 3a.m. EST and uh, you guys are still here. Huh.
whaaaaaa am i gonna be to xanga. 2.0 been trying to back up archives but sooo laging
nothing is different?! what was the point of the migration. .
I agree with thisiswhereitellyoueverything! ive had my Xanga page since I was in like 7th grade and I'm not 23. I haven't been on here much, but I was actually gonna blog tonight & I can't figure this thing out for the life of me! why did it change?
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